Our future is FireSmart.
Empowering Albertans with resources that build wildfire resilience.
Put FireSmart into practice.

Protect your home
Residents | Homeowners | Tenants
If you live in Alberta, you have a role to play in making your home and neighbourhood safer and more resilient to wildfires.

Protect your neighbourhood
Neighbourhood Recognition Program Specialists | Neighbourhood Champions | Advanced Home Assessors
If you are passionate about wildfire safety and protecting your community, there’s always more you can do to get involved on a local level and help empower others to do the same.

Protect your community
Indigenous Leaders | Local Government Officials | Administrators
Understanding the wildfire risk management cycle is an important step towards better protecting your community and putting the FireSmart system into action.

Protect Alberta
Fire Departments | Emergency Managers
The communities you work for look to you as an authority on wildfire protection. Engage and empower residents with easy access to popular tools and resources.

Why FireSmart?
FireSmart is more than a collection of best-practices, programs, resources, and tools. FireSmart is a way of living with and managing the risk of wildfire. It is a shared responsibility between government, community leaders, neighbourhoods, and residents. Together, we can build a wildfire resilient Alberta. A FireSmart Alberta.

Alberta Wildfire
Find the status and location of wildfires, fire restrictions and bans, and learn more about wildfire prevention, operations, and careers.

Keep up with province-wide FireSmart news, get important home safety tips, and learn about upcoming events across Alberta.